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About Us
Who We Are
S.K Gupta: Mr. S.K. Gupta has been practicing Vedic astrology since the last 40 years. He has done a lot of research in this field and his vast experience speaks volumes about his excellent skill. Throughout all these years, he has dealt with varied cases and holds a success rate of above 90%. He is a follower of Parashar school of Astrology and thus uses the basic principles of Parashar Astrology for making predictions. His clientele includes very famous personalities from various fields like Cricket, Bollywood, Politics etc. S.K. Gupta is an ardent devotee of Lord Rama and also maintains a blog on the teachings of Ramcharitmanasa.

Lakshay Gupta: Mr. Lakshay has undergone formal training in Vedic Astrology and is a certified Jyotish Acharya from All India Federation of Astrologers Society (AIFAS). His titles include Jyotish Ratna, Jyotish Bhushan, Jyotish Prabhakar and Jyotish Shastracharya. Lakshay developed keen interest in Vedic Astrology during his college days and following the footprints of his father Mr. S.K. Gupta, ventured completely into Vedic Astrology after completing his studies(Engineering). Lakshay makes predictions based on the principles of Parashar and K.P Astrology and provides consultation through e-mail. He has also been the recepient of various awards for his outstanding contribution in the field of Vedic Astrology.
He also has a flair for writing and maintains a blog on Vedic Astrology.